Spet sem gnjavil tehnično podporo…
Tokrat sem pisal fantom na EVE-Online. Videl sem reklamo in zagrabil! Za približno $20 (pet bivših jurjev) sem naročil knjigo EVE Strategical Maps. Doma bom verjetno poslušal pridigo o tem, da tega ne rabim.
Pri potrdilu naročila so mi povedali, da bom plačal poštnino za pošiljanje v Vzhodno Evropo. Ker se kar takole ne pustim okarakterizirati za vzhodnjaka in se imam za centralca. Sem jim poslal prijazen mail…
Greetings my Dear Sirs, Dear Madams and Support Crew,
thank you very much for informing me, that country where I live. Slovenia. Is really a part of eastern europe. I am glad I found this out.
Anyway, the thing is. I ordered EVE Strategic maps (order number: 58048) and I have to pay Shipping for eastern europe.
I was always living under impression that Slovenia was more part of the central europe, not the eastern part. In fact most of the online sources are stating that I was not mislead and that Slovenia IS a part of Central Europe. Even United Nations think that Slovenia is a part of Central Europe. CIA World factbook too.
To make things even more confusing, I tried ordering one issue of E-ON magazine (I didn’t actually order one). Imagine my surprise when I found out that E-ON magazine shipping will be charged only measly three bucks! Which means, now you guys think that Slovenia in fact is a part of central europe. All I want is a little consistency. We can manage that, right?
I’m sure that we will take care of this geographical dispute in no time! Now, either you guys convince UN (and CIA) that Slovenia is really a part of Eastern Europe because it says so on your website. Or! You could try fixing the web site. Should we guess which task will be easier to perform?
All that said, I ordered maps in eve-online store, so it might be their fault and their website is “broken” (this is quite important for both parties, so you people can start finger-pointing on each other). Thats why I kindly sent a CC of this mail to the support team of EVE Online. You guys figure it out and let me know what the deal is. In the mean time I’ll avoid claiming that Slovenia is not a part of the Eastern Europe. Just to be on the safe side.
Thank you for your time, kindness, good will and free spirit.
May your warpdrives stay unscrambled and online. Keep up the good work, you people are great.
11 thoughts on “Spet sem gnjavil tehnično podporo…”
Zelo lepo napisano. Si pa vzameš čas. Moj zadnji mail tehnični podpori CGS (petek zvečer, ko se gre folk počasi napit), je zgledal približno tako:
Upam, da prebereš pred resetom serverja ob 21-ti uri! Zadevo bi prestavili, ker še delamo.
In nato smo si vsi oddahnili, ker ni bilo treba prekiniti dela za pol urce :/
BigWhale, 12 points!
Jaz si želim da bi ti večkrat pisal na tehnično podporo, ker obožujem tvoje sarkastične maile. :)))
Sunshine, ja, saj bi. Samo nimam toliko problemov. V tem je hec.
DHL in ostali poštni šmorn se zgovarja na to da smo ex YU in da je rizično področje
poceni opcija pa je Italija ali Avstrija in potem prepošiljanje
Vsa ta kreativnost, izgubljena ob pritisku tipke “Delete”
CCFly, ravnokar sem dobil odgovor.
dej prilimi odgovor, me zanima kak je
Moram EULO pogledat, ce sploh lahko. Se mi zdi, da ne smem. Rekli so, da pride razlika zaradi teze posiljk.
Potem sem jim pa screenshot poslal. Da v bistvu neki cist drucga pise na racunu. ;>
Brings back memories… So bile tezave, ko sem lani narocil tri usive t-majice iz ZDA (raje ne povem, iz katere stacune). Posiljka zamuja, najprej utrujajo, da dostava zunaj ZDA lahko vzame 8 tednov (ne mene hecat, v povprecju je prislo v tednu dni, karkoli sem poprej od tam prejel). Se vedno nic. Nato odgovorijo:
“I have been informed by our shipper that orders shipped to Slovenia can take quite awhile. If nothing shows up in the next couple weeks, please let us know.”
Skratka, ignorantsko zavlacevanje. Nakar sem izgubil smisel za vljudnost in politicno korektnost ter naslednji odgovor pricel z:
“With all due respect, the person who told you this has obviously no clue what they’re talking about. Right, it hasn’t been “quite a while” — it has been waaay over “quite a while” already. I wasn’t born yesterday and I’ve had quite a few snail mail items (be it plain letters or packages) from and to the USA or elsewhere in the world. USA has usually taken 1 to 2 weeks at most, and if something went really bad (such as mistakenly routing the mail over a remote country due to ignorance of a clerk) maybe three weeks, but that’s it. And that was before we were even in the EU — now it’s probably supposed to be even better (that is, unless your (or our) customs and fatherland security guys have to inspect every item on a submolecular level, then I would perhaps understand… but it’s only three frackin’ t-shirts I wanted to give for a birthday present, come on).”
Navedel sem jim par pravil, cez kak mesec ali dva so koncno priznali, da se je posiljka izgubila in da naj ponovno vnesem narocilo. Majice so “eventually” prisle (kakih 10 dni po ponovnem narocilu…).
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