Tole sem nekje blognil…

Tole sem nekje blognil…

1. How many gigantic bytes of music are saved on your computer?
0 bytes

2. The last CD you have bought
G & P (Za Gaby)

3. Which song did you listen to when you were reading the request to write this?

4. Five songs that mean a lot to me or that I often listen to:
Eh? 98% procentov pesmi sucks. Ne obstajajo. Zadnjic sem
si ene petkrat zapored zavrtel Fantasticnih 5. 😛

5. Whom are you going to pass on this stick (3 persons) and why?

Matr sem jaz en zahojenc…

One thought on “Tole sem nekje blognil…

  1. 1. 3 GB sluzba, 2 GB doma
    2. hmmm ne pomnim, najbrz kako leto nazaj, kateri … nimam pojma jih je prevec doma
    3. nobene, ker sem se vseh navelical… mam vklopljen radio
    4. The Lions Sleeps Tonight, Leaving New York (REM), Angel (The Corrs), Vertingo (U2), Car Wash (XTina & Missy)
    5. N / A

    komentar. to pod tocko 5. pa pri tebi ne velja… bi mogel napisat dnevni povprecni obisk bloga =P

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