Microsoft svetuje Vista uporabnikom

Microsoft svetuje Vista uporabnikom

Nočem biti namerno zloben ampak tole so povedali pri Microsoftu.

Delete programs you never use

“Many PC manufacturers pack their new computers with programs you didn’t order and might not want. These often include trial editions and limited edition versions of programs that software companies hope you will try, find useful, and then pay to upgrade to full versions or newer versions. If you decide you don’t want them, keeping the software on your computer might slow it down by using precious memory, disk space, and processing power.”

Programi, ki jih človek ne uporablja ponavadi zasedajo prostor na disku. Večinoma. Najde se tudi kak program, ki se zažene ob štartu računalnika in potem zaseda pomnilnik.

Limit how many programs load at startup

“Many programs are designed to load automatically when Windows starts. Software manufacturers often set their programs to open in the background, where you can’t see them running, so they’ll open right away when you click their icons.”

Se še kdo spomni Microsoft Office Quick Starta? Software manufacturers sledijo trendom, ki jih je postavil Microsoft!

Defragment your hard drive

Naj me nekdo popravi, če se motim ampak, prepričan sem, da podatki, ki v defragmenterju zgledajo defragmentet so fizično na disku zapisani tako, da samo disk ve kje je kaj, kako pa podatke prikaže kontrolerju je pa druga stvar. Se motim?

Clean up your hard disk

Se strinjam! Če je disk preveč zabasan, se swap file ne more razlezti…

Run fewer programs at the same time

“If you find your PC slowing down, ask yourself if you really need to keep all your programs and windows open at once. Find a better way to remind yourself to reply to e-mail messages than to keep all of them open.”

Kaj, ko bi preklopili kar nazaj na Windows 3.0, tam tako ali tako nisi mogel poganjati kaj dosti več kot enega samega programa. Problem rešen! Kako preprosta rešitev, če ti dela računalnik prepočasi, potem zapri programe! Sej itak vse ostane na clipboardu, če pritisnes CTRL-C!

Turn off visual effects

“If Windows is running slowly, you can speed it up by disabling some of its visual effects. It comes down to appearance versus performance. Would you rather have Windows run faster or look prettier? If your PC is fast enough, you don’t have to make this tradeoff, but if your computer is just barely powerful enough for Windows Vista, it can be useful to scale back on the visual bells and whistles.”

Prosim, mi lahko nekdo prinese zarjavelo žago, da si odžagam desno nogo? Pri omembi zarjavele žage pa je takoj na mestu obvezen citat iz filma Down Periscope:

Lt. Comd. Dodge: “Speaking of age, what do you think about our boat, Pascal?”
Executive Officer Martin T. ‘Marty’ Pascal: “I feel I need a tetanus shot just from looking at it. The only thing holding her together, are the bird droppings, sir.”

Restart regularly

“This tip is simple. Restart your PC at least once a week, especially if you use it a lot. Restarting a PC is a good way to clear out its memory and ensure that any errant processes and services that started running get shut down.”

Takoj naj dvigne roko tisti, ki je tako hvalil novi memory manager, ki ga ima Vista. Ali pa raje ne, naj raje modro molči, da jih ne bo dobil po butici.

“If you keep so many programs, e‑mail messages, and websites open that you think restarting is a hassle, that’s probably a sign you should restart your PC. The more things you have open and the longer you keep them running, the greater the chances your PC will bog down and eventually run low on memory.”

AAAARGHHH!!!!! Vsakič, ko odprem dva Visual Studia, dva Firefoxa, SQL Explorer, Ultraedit, kakih deset putty terminalov, nekaj explorer okn, poženem vmware in štartam še eno ali dve remote desktop povezavi, je znak, da bi moral restartati računalnik?

Add more memory

“This isn’t a guide to buying hardware that will speed up your computer. But no discussion of how make Windows run faster would be complete without mentioning that you should consider adding more memory to your PC.”

Jih bom spomnil na drugi odstavek, ki so ga napisali:

“Whatever the cause, there are a lot of ways to help speed up Windows and make your PC work better—even without upgrading your hardware.”

No, vseeno takole pravijo:

“Windows Vista can run on a PC with 512 megabytes (MB) of random access memory (RAM), but it runs better with 1 gigabyte (GB). For optimal performance, boost that to 2 GB or more.”

Ljudje, kupite še eno paličico ali dve. Saj so poceni.

Check for viruses and spyware

Ok. Jim dam točko.

Check your computer’s speed

Tole se sliši naravnost bizarno ampak Windows Vista vsak računalnik oceni z oceno od 1-5.9 glede na strojno opremo.

“If your PC is rated lower than 2 or 3, it might be time to consider a new PC, depending on what tasks you want to do with your computer.”

Disable services you don’t need

“This is the most technically advanced of all these tips. If you don’t want to mess with anything too advanced or complicated, you can skip this one.”

Kaj je že blo z “ease of use”? Prosim postavite se v vrsto vsi, ki ste zatrjevali, da lahko Windows popravlja in upravlja prav vsak…

Don’t settle for slow

Ne, to se pa res ne bomo. 🙂

2 thoughts on “Microsoft svetuje Vista uporabnikom

  1. če microsoft na podlagi teh prepričanj dela winse, pol pa so zares za en ku*ac. zakaj ne bi naredili winse za multiaplikacije, da se sami čistijo, da sami praznijo pomnilnik … bedarija …

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